Enhancing Collaboration and Engagement with Notion

I recently developed an innovative learning experience leveraging Notion, a versatile workspace and project management platform, for professional development. Participants use Notion’s collaborative features to tackle real-world challenges, honing critical thinking and creativity in a digital environment.

Throughout the design process, I received UDL and intersectionality feedback aiming to enhance accessibility, engagement, and collaborative abilities. Integrating this input led to notable improvements.

For instance, I learned that clearly accommodating varying skill levels is vital for an excellent user experience. My original plan lacked details around supporting different technology literacy. However, after receiving UDL feedback, I explicitly incorporated flexibility for multiple literacy levels through accessibility tools, personalized support, and multimedia integration.

I also gained perspective on how digital experiences can isolate those requiring extra assistance. The remediation now includes one-on-one mentoring to nurture collaborative abilities alongside technical skills. Providing individualized emotional support promotes engagement, especially for struggling learners (Hernández-Sellés et al., 2019).

Additionally, I added multimedia content, like videos and images, to aid engagement and comprehension. As the intersectionality feedback indicated, visual and auditory elements assist English language learners. Aligning with UDL, multimedia functionality also appeals to different learning preferences.

However, some suggestions did not align with the experience’s objectives. For example, offering predefined templates could restrict creativity in solving open-ended problems. Since adaptability is core to the learning goals, I opted to focus support around Notion literacy rather than content structure.

By listening openly to UDL and intersectionality input, I gained crucial insight for strengthening user experience through strategic alignment with researched best practices. The improved learning plan better equips all participants to excel both individually and collaboratively within an innovative digital environment.

  • Draft version of learning plan
  • Final learning plan after feedback


Hernández-Sellés, N., Pablo-César Muñoz-Carril, & González-Sanmamed, M. (2019). Computer-supported collaborative learning: An analysis of the relationship between interaction, emotional support and online collaborative tools. Computers & Education, 138, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2019.04.012

Masayu, M. M., & Karani, E. (2022). Introducing Notion Workspace as Media of Language Learning: Materials Based on Local Culture of Central Kalimantan. PROSIDING SINAR BAHTERA, 211–223. http://sinarbahtera.kemdikbud.go.id/index.php/SB/article/view/238

Author: Dave

LX Designer, entrepreneur & change agent. Immersed in collaborations that improve learning & working environments. Sometimes, I go fishing.

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