Navigating the Tapestry of Perspectives: A Reflection on Media Consumption

In the quest to broaden my understanding and challenge my thinking on educational technology, this week’s exploration into my media consumption proved enlightening. Analyzing my sources and introducing new ones opened doors to diverse viewpoints and pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone.

Experiences and Insights

Reflecting on my media consumption revealed a certain level of comfort in echo chambers, emphasizing the importance of intentional diversification (Coiro, 2017; Gee, 2004). Adding Audrey Watters to my Twitter feed brought forth critiques challenging prevailing narratives in educational technology. The podcast “The EdSurge Podcast” provided nuanced discussions, prompting me to reevaluate some preconceptions (Leetaru, 2017).

Meaningful Ideas

One particularly impactful realization was the tendency to gravitate towards familiar voices. Intentionally engaging with contrasting perspectives became a conscious effort. Deleting a few sources that only reaffirmed existing beliefs emphasized quality over quantity, reinforcing the idea that meaningful insights can arise from a curated, diverse media landscape (Coiro, 2017).

People or Organizations Added/Deleted

The addition of TeacherTube brought practical classroom perspectives, enriching my understanding of how technology is employed in diverse educational settings. Deleting sources that only reaffirmed existing beliefs was a deliberate move to break free from the confines of a digital echo chamber (Gee, 2013).

Affinity Spaces and Filter Bubbles

This week underscored the challenge of stepping outside familiar spaces. The curation process prompted reflection on the inadvertent formation of filter bubbles and the need to consciously burst them. The internet’s vastness can be both a blessing and a curse, as it allows for tailored content but also reinforces biases if not navigated thoughtfully (Leetaru, 2017).

Relevant Media

Caption: Embracing diverse perspectives in educational technology (Coiro, 2017, p. 11).

In conclusion, this experiment illuminated the necessity of a dynamic and diversified media diet. The journey continues, but this week’s insights have sown the seeds for a more inclusive, enriching exploration of educational technology and its manifold dimensions.


  • Coiro, J. (2017, August 29). Teaching adolescents how to evaluate the quality of online information. Edutopia. Link
  • Gee, J. P. (2004). Situated language and learning: A critique of traditional schooling. Proquest. Link
  • Leetaru, K. (2017, December 18). Why 2017 was the year of the filter bubble? Forbes. Link
  • Gee, J. P. (2013). The anti-education era: Creating smarter students through digital learning. Palgrave/MacMillan.
  • TED. (2011, February). Beware online “filter bubbles” | Eli Pariser. [Video]. Youtube. Link

Author: Dave

LX Designer, entrepreneur & change agent. Immersed in collaborations that improve learning & working environments. Sometimes, I go fishing.

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